Thursday, February 25, 2021

Easy ways to get rid of constipation

Constipation is a very common problem today and most people suffer from it.  It means infrequent stool or difficulties in passing stools, but one should not neglect this problem as it will lead to hemorrhoids. The most common symptoms of constipation are nausea, headache, unable to pass gas, loss of appetite, vomiting, bad taste in the mouth and intestinal obstruction. Constipation stools are often dry, hard, small and difficult to remove hence some people find it painful and experience the feeling of a full bowel, bloating, and straining.  The normal stool removal may be at least three times a day or three times a week, depending on an individual.

To get rid of constipation one should eat healthy. Eat veggies and rich high-fiber fruits like fresh papaya, oranges and guava that help you have your bowel regular.  Another simple way is to have a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of lemon juice which will help with constipation. Flax seeds are also very helpful in easing constipation problems; you can sprinkle it on your salads or blend it into smoothies and will boost a good digestive health.  

 People suffering from constipation should try natural herbal laxatives which are gentle on the body, makes your bowel movement regular and alleviate your constipation in a natural effective way –

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.