Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The link between Constipation and Hemorrhoids (Piles)

One of the main causes of Hemorrhoids is constipation. Eating too much of the wrong foods lead to constipation which can in turn lead to hemorrhoids/Piles. Constipation is the most widespread cause of hemorrhoids since this health problem makes it very difficult for stool to come out of the body. The symptoms of piles/ Hemorrhoids are believed to commonly occur when there is too much straining in defecation due to constipation.

Increased intake of fibrous foods along with a proper Constipation cure is often recommended as both preventive and curative remedies for Hemorrhoids/Piles.

Learning how to stop constipation is the first thing you need to do in order to stop hemorrhoids from developing or increasing. Hemorrhoids are closely related to varicose veins the difference being that they are contained within the anus which is the last section of the intestine.

When piles do occur from constipation, natural cures are the way to go because of their effectiveness and safe to use. Constipation and hemorrhoids can be cured and prevented using natural, safe, and healthy herbal ingredients which are present in VitoLax.

Take action at the earliest symptoms of constipation and avoid the pain and embarrassment that pile/hemorrhoid sufferers suffer...Herbal remedy is the best treatments for hemorrhoid symptoms and constipation with no side effects. For information and tips to get rid of constipation visit

Click Here To Order VitoLax

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Are you frequently constipated? Read on to learn the underlying factor responsible for it…

Firstly, there is no need to fear as you are not alone...Over 90 percent of people in the US are constipated. But, it is important to know your cause of being constipated. The foremost reason would be your diet. Eating too much processed food and hard proteins with too much saturated fat, make stools too solid and hard to pass. There are also other causes for constipation like medication, activity levels, sudden changes in your life, or hormonal changes (mainly in case of pregnancy).

Also, eating food with little or no fiber creates fecal matter that is mushy or hard and compacted. Mushy or compact fecal matter is hard to move along your colon.
Bad bacteria in the colon may also be a known cause to constipation. When bad bacteria control the colon, they live on undigested food and cause this food to rot and become putrid. This makes the colon weak. When the colon is weak, it is unable to quickly move fecal matter through its long intestine, and thus constipation sets in.

Laxative overuse is another cause of constipation. Common symptoms are also abdominal cramping, gassiness, and bloating. Also, one of the main reasons of constipation is the lack of liquids in your body. Try drinking water more often, and avoid coffee and soft drinks.

It is essential to keep your colon and digestive system clean. Bear in mind that there are natural solutions to overcome bowel problems easily and effectively. Find out more on natural constipation cure - visit the website -

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Foods that Cause Constipation...

Constipation occurs when you have fewer than three bowel movements a week. Constipation is not a disease and can occur in anyone. Most people suffer from constipation at least once in their life-time. The most important thing to know is if you are actually suffering from constipation or if it is actually your body's natural schedule.

However constipation can be avoided by choosing the right kinds of food along with a genuine constipation cure like herbal ones which helps stop constipation without any side effects...

Listed below are some kinds of food which should be consumed at large amounts which cause constipation:

• Milk and milk products
• Ice Cream
• Ready to cook from as they contain certain preservatives which is not good for constipation
• Bakery products
• Cookies
• Fried Foods
• Wheat-based Foods
• Red Meat
• Dried Beans

The best constipation treatment is one that consists of only pure herbs. Many people who suffer from constipation have switched from prescription drugs to natural herbal pill which do not cause any side effects... VitoLax contains the best herbs that are known to cure constipation. VitoLax is a natural way to get rid of constipation for more information visit

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.