Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Side Effects of Constipation

One needs to eat the right kind of foods to remain healthy but eating the wrong type of foods can cause problem to the body because it is not getting the proper nutrients that it needs.      One such problem is constipation where a person is unable to pass a bowel movement on a regular basis. It is a symptom that something is not right and it could be due to food that one eats or other factors like stress, aging, sedentary lifestyle or lack of exercise.  Hemorrhoids and anal fissures are also some of the side-effects caused due to constipation.

Constipation is a common ailment that people suffer from, which can have innumerable health hazards; physical, internal as well psychological.  People suffering from constipation feel irritated, suffers from light headache, easily catch cold, cause rheumatic fever, feel tired and have trouble getting sleep.

You can overcome the problem of constipation by taking enough fibers in your diet like having salads, juice, vegetables, grains, etc. and avoid taking processed food. You must have lots of water; if the body is hydrated it will always keep your bowel clean. Exercising regularly makes you active and brings the digestion system back on track.

There are herbal laxatives which are effective and safe and help you get rid of your constipation problem without any harmful side-effects –


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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.