Thursday, March 14, 2019

Natural ways to overcome constipation

People who suffer from constipation suffer from painful bowel movement and normally have dry, hard and small amount of bowel movement which is less than three times a week.  This makes a person feeling sluggish, bloated and uncomfortable.  Every person suffers from constipation some times in their life and the causes can be many but the main being poor diet and leading a sedentary lifestyle with no proper exercises.

 The way be live and the lifestyle that we lead can a huge influence on our health and if we remain healthy the organs of our body function well and we feel good too.  If we lead an unhealthy lifestyle it can affect our digestive system and cause constipation problems.  To stay fit one should exercise regularly and not lead a lazy life.  Physical activity is very important as doing no activity and just sitting all day can make you constipated.  Exercising and physical activity helps in bowel contractions and is best if you do not want to suffer from constipation.

There are many foods that we love to eat but they are bad for our digestive system like processed and refined food, junk foods which clogs up our system.  Hence we should eat healthy nutritious foods like vegetable and fruits that are natural and fresh as they are high in fiber content and is great for bowel and constipation problems.  Inadequate water intake is also the main cause of water hence one should have enough water every day.

There are herbal laxatives which help relieve constipation problem in a safe and effective way with no side effects.  Read more about an effective herbal laxative

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.