Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Lead a constipation free healthy life

Constipation is a problem of the digestive system and it is referred as the occurrence of infrequent stools, hardening of stools, straining during passing of stools, sense of incomplete emptying of bowel etc. Normal constipation is referred to a condition lesser than three bowel movement in a week, and chronic constipation is less than one bowel movement in a week. Constipation is experienced by everyone at one time or the other during their lifetime. As one gets older, the tendency to become constipated is more often. Constipation can be very painful which can cause stomach cramps, bloating, etc. It can also cause fever in some people if the waste remains and the toxic waste may come back into the bloodstream thereby causing fever. 

Poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle with lack of exercise are the main causes of constipation and people who eat food with low fiber content are the ones who are at risk of being constipation. In order to avoid constipation, have fiber-rich food can be found in whole grains, vegetables and fruits like papaya, mango and oranges. Have sufficient water and also add juices to your drink but must be careful of the juices as some can cause constipation like milk drinks and sodas. Stress and worry can also upset the normal body functions as certain key organs fail to produce the enzymes and gastric juices which regulate the bowels for healthy passage of the waste from the body. 

Herbal laxatives are effective and safe; they help relieve and ease constipation without causing any harm to the body.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Natural remedies for constipation

Constipation which a problem suffered by many is when one has fewer than three bowel movements a week.  A person suffering from it can undergo infrequent mild, harsh, or chronic constipation.  The symptoms of constipation differ from person to person and the causes can be due to poor diet which lacks enough fiber, lack of exercises, too much of dairy products, certain medications, aging, certain diseases, improper colon or intestinal functions, and more.

You can ease constipation problems by eating healthy nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables and grains.  Do regular exercising and drinking enough water that helps relieve constipation.  Do not hold on when you must go as this leads to being constipation.  There are certain home remedies for constipation; keep water overnight in a copper vessel and drink it as you wake up on an empty stomach.  You can mix Epsom salt in half glass water and drink it; also a mix of orange juice and oil in equal proportions help people who are constipated. Drinking carrot and spinach juice before going to help also helps relieve constipation.  Having warm water with lime squeezed in it with a little salt also helps in this problem.  Having a fruit like guava every day also keeps constipation away.

The natural way to enjoy relief from constipation is to take herbal laxatives which stimulate bowel movements in the safest way possible without causing any side-effects.  It is very effective and maintains regularity in constipation and regularizes bowel movements and strengthens the digestive system naturally.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.