Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Constipation relief in a safe and easy way

In today's world many people suffer from constipation and seek relief through medications, which may work and some don't. However those that work only give temporary relief so the remedy is repeated various times which can worsen the problem.  Constipation is caused due to poor eating habit, improper lifestyle or from stress.  Drugs containing iron, hypothyroidism can lead to constipation and give rise to irregular bowel movement. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise can slow down bowel movements. If you eat more than you require it slows down your metabolism and upsets the digestive system.  Not including enough of fiber in your meals can lead to constipation.

The symptoms of constipation are loss of appetite, headache, lethargy, depression, insomnia,   bad breath and piles, to name a few, where the bowel movements are painful and irregular.  Therefore it is important to be stress free and mentally relaxed to deal with problems.  Regular exercising, practicing yoga and meditation strengthens abdominal muscles, colon and improves the bowel movements. Avoid starchy foods as they lack bulk and stick to the walls of the intestine and make motion difficult.  Drink enough water and keep yourself hydrated as water helps flush out the toxins from the body.

Combat constipation naturally with high fiber foods, leading an active life and an herbal laxative to deal with this condition effectively and safely.

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